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On this page you find information about Socialdemokraterna, The Swedish Social Democratic Party, in languages other than Swedish.
Vote for unity, not division. European elections 9 June.
In times of war and crisis, we need to come together. Yet we know that right-wing populists and authoritarian movements are trying to pull us apart. We must increase solidarity in Europe and secure support for Ukraine. Ultimately, it is about the safety and security of the Swedish people. About defending our democracy and our way of life.
On June 9, you have a choice: vote for unity, not division. This is not a trivial thing. If you cannot vote in person on June 9, you can vote early starting on May 22. Read more on val.se Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.
Some ideas for a brighter future
Unity, safety & democracy
- Support Ukraine with military, humanitarian, and financial aid for as long as is necessary.
- End European dependence on Russian oil and gas.
- Step up the fight against disinformation and foreign attempts to interfere with elections.
- Strengthen obligations for all EU member states to live up to fundamental democratic values.
Sweden's economy & Swedish jobs
- Stand up for Swedish collective agreements and salaries in Sweden.
- Ensure more investments in Swedish industries.
- Cut electricity prices by increasing electricity production and reforming the European electricity market.
- Stop tax evasion and increase control over how EU funds are spent.
Crime & terror
- Increase EU cooperation on cross-border organised crime.
- Stop criminal gangs in companies and labour market exploitation through work-related
- Prevent arms and drug trafficking by increasing cooperation between European ports.
- Prevent terrorist attacks through strengthened cooperation between authorities in the EU.
Environment and climate
- Pressure all countries to take responsibility for their emissions and stop environmental damage.
- Tighten EU legislation preventing the use of hazardous chemicals.
- Reduce eutrophication and stop overfishing in the Baltic Sea.
- Make rail travel in Europe cheaper and easier.
How to vote – 2024 European Elections
Visit The Swedish Election Authority (Valmyndigheten) to find information in other languages than Swedish about how to vote in the European Elections on 9 June 2024. Click on the link below.
Information from the 2022 Swedish general elections
Click on the link below to find information about The Swedish Social Democratic Party and our policies in languages other than Swedish from the previous Swedish general elections.
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